Deus Ex Melee Weapon Only Walkthrough

Deactivating the Kill Switch


Now that we're here, we have to find Gordon Quick, run an errand for him, pick up The Holy Grail the Dragon Tooth's Sword, Deus Ex's equivalent of System Shock's laser rapier and System Shock 2's crystal shard, and deactive our kill switch. You'll want to avoid upsetting the police for the most part -- if the robots wake up, you haven't got a hope in hell unless you have the Dragon's Tooth Sword.

As for invincible AIs in all of Honk Kong, we have Gordon Quick (until he turns up at the Lucky Money), Max Chen, Tracer Tong, Alex Jacobson, Jaime Reyes, and Paul Denton.

Marecki told me about a couple fun things to do in Wan Chai, if you feel like getting in a little bit of trouble . . .

  1. There are 100 credits each on the souvenir shop lady, the newsagent (and a soda) and the flower girl (and a candy bar).
  2. As far as I know there only way to stop the Red Arrow member from releasing rats at the restaurant is to prevent the conversation from triggering, one way or another.
  3. Still, see if you can kill all the rats once they have appeared; it won't affect the game in any way, but is fun nevertheless. Stomping works best.
  4. Go hack at meat at the butcher's for a while...

Now that we've dealt with the preliminaries, let's get down to business.

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Finding Gordon Quick

Leave the elevator and hang a right. On the edge of the building to your left is a locked door, but your sword can chip away at everything that can be broken. Don't turn your light on to find it, this upsets the cops. Hack away until it shatters, then slip through the doorway and smash all the crates, (your light can be turned on in here) you should find a lockpick in one of them. Head into the far corner of the room, you should find a panel you can slide out of the way. Turn on your light to find the keypad near it, and break down the panel it controls.

Go into the next room, and you should find a lockpick, a prod charger, a bioelectric cell, and a multitool. Check the datacube for the code to the police station, then ready your riot prod, and head in there. Try to prod the cop sitting to the left of the door before he shoots you, then head into the room to the left of where he was sitting, and quickly prod the cop in here. Hack the security computer and shut down all the cameras if you want, then turn around and leave this room. Pass the unconscious cop and take the second left, you should find a ladder leading up a level here. From this vantage point, you should see a compound to the east. Head over there, and talk to the guy with the big gun by the entrance. (A quick and easy way to find the entrance is to remember the entrance is always between the temple and the compound.)

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Finding Maggie Chow

Talk to Gordon, and you'll be told you need to go to Tonnochi road to meet with Maggie Chow. Go west and north around the compound, then west when you see the Lucky Money sign. Head towards the Tonnochi road sign, and a new map will load. Turn left when the sign tells you to, then when you come to the broken bridge, which will be on your right, just leap the gap. Ignore the cops and head down the alley to their left. Keep going west and another new map will load.

Continue through the alleyway until a man talks to you, and he'll tell you Maggie Chow's apartment building is on the left, half a block down the road. Stop to pet the kitty, then enter the building, then talk to the manager. We'll find Maggie Chow has the penthouse apartment thanks to the computer by the elevators, and we can take the elevator up there.

Do that, and when you arrive in the apartment, talk to the maid. If we're not going to be polite guests, now is the best time to eliminate her, before she's in Maggie Chow's line of sight. Walk into the living room to speak to Maggie, who will be friendly, ask for help, and give us the code to the vault in the police station we've already visited. If you don't wish to complete Maggie's job, go up the stairs in the southeast and enter the last room on the right, then skip ahead.

And this is coming from a woman who really, really knows!

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Maggie's Job

Once you have the code, go to the second floor of Maggie's apartment, and open all of the doors. Once you've done that, return to the police station, and check out the datacube Maggie mentioned, which not only contains some highly incriminating information on Maggie, but details various ways for us to enter her apartment on our return visit. What could possibly go wrong with letting us see this?

Though there are several entrances, the problem is that entering either through the roof or the seventh floor leaves you faced with lasers and no way of deactivating them from your side. However, both sets of lasers are in front of narrow doorways, so if you want to lure the troopers to you and take advantage of the bottleneck, feel free to trip them! The only stealthy approach available is to enter the penthouse via the elevator and stay to the right, pull the lantern, and use multitools to disable the keypad and open the door.

If you feel like raising a little hell, go in through the front door and head for the living room. The maid will intercept you and tell you that Maggie isn't home, and JC will comment on the sheer stupidity of sending him there, resulting in the dread cry of "Guards!" No matter how quickly and quietly you take her down, MJ12 troopers will now storm the apartment, and you don't stand a chance in a frontal assault without the Dragon's Tooth Sword, the doors here are too wide to create a bottleneck.

Knock out or kill the maid for her act of treachery and run upstairs as fast as you can, enter the last room on your right, and hide under the desk. If any MJ12 troopers make it up the stairs, feel free to knock them out if you can do it without being seen or shot, which will draw the rest of the troopers. As soon as the apartment clears, you may continue with the walkthrough.

Even the cat wants me dead!! (But I only used the prod on the trooper, don't worry!)

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Finding the Dragon's Tooth Sword

When you explore this room you'll find a datacube and two books, read them both, then use the security computer. We can deduce her password is "insurgent" and her user name is "mchow", use those logins and shut down all the cameras, then open all of the doors. When you leave this room, go through the doors straight ahead, and get 100 credits from the bedside table.

Go downstairs, north to the windows, then east, the hallway will turn right, but keep going. There will be a paper lantern and a funny looking wall ahead of you, use the lantern and you'll see an open doorway ahead of you. Don't get excited and don't run there, MJ12 troopers are everywhere and we don't have the sword in our hands just yet!

Crouch and head through the doorway, at which point Tracer Tong will send you a message. Head forward, and don't stay in view of the MJ12 troopers through the doorway to your right for too long, stay near the left wall. Go to the computer terminal, checking the hologram machine for a message from Simons, and reading the datacube nearby if you wish, then open the glass case. You can read her e-mails as well, if you want.

Hello my pretty!!

Once you have the Dragon's Tooth Sword, you're sitting very, very pretty. I got a huge rush when I finally picked it up on my first melee only game. It's all downhill from here! If you're feeling homicidal, you can take out all of the MJ12 troopers in the breakroom, just make sure you start with the trooper with the plasma gun. It will be a bloodbath, some of the blood will be yours, but once it's all over and done with, you'll have access to some snacks, 50 credit chits, a lockpick, and a water cooler.

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The Underground Mall

Return to Maggie's apartment, then go to the glass windows she was standing by, then look north, and down. See that balcony down there? We want to jump there. Smash the window, then jump. You should land there without a scratch, even without your legs active. (For extra fun, bring Maggie! Nobody will care unless she's dead.) Smash the glass doors open, then head inside. Hey, binoculars by the window looking at her apartment! A peeping tom lives here!

Someone's going to have one hell of a surprise when he comes home!

Ignore the computer terminal in the closet for now, we can get the login for it. Go into the next room, and check under the TV for a datacube. Log into the computer terminal and check the e-mails. Get a key off the table by the front door to confirm, yes, this is Jock's apartment. The randy old bastard! Steal some food from him, then leave via the stairs. (Or, for laughs, jump off the balcony, but quick-save first! Don't do what I did and jump only to discover the last quick-save was made at the beginning of the MJ12 helibase level.)

Go down the stairs to the elevator, then take it down to the ground level. (Isn't there a hidden passageway here?) Head east, we want to get back to the Lucky Money club and show Max Chen our beloved new toy. If you get lost, find a Tonnochi road sign, and go in the opposite direction of the arrows, that should get you back on track.

Once you reach the Lucky Money club, track down all the police officers. Three sit in an alcove down the way from the door girl, another patrols the length of the mall. Eliminate them all. An MJ12 commando will spawn in front of the door girl after Max Chen sees the sword, and you'll either need to kill him to leave, or make creative use of thermoptic ammo and the riot prod. The cops will attack you even if the commando was firing missiles at you before you fought back. Marecki thinks this may only happen if you're too close when an alarm goes off, like if the commando took out the Quick Stop windows, but I've been blown away even with those windows intact.

You can probably prod the patrolling cop without getting caught, the other three you should take out as quickly as possible, then head to the door girl. Assuming they all went down quickly, nobody should be upset. Apparently they don't mind someone with solid blue eyes and blood soaked clothes coming into their club. If you want, pay the two girls so they can get in, too. The doors open for them even if you don't pay for yourself.

We should talk to every single person in the club we can before meeting with Max Chen, as well as eavesdrop on all of the conversations, as who knows who the commandos might kill? You could also knock them all out to make sure nobody innocent dies, and get quite a few goodies from them. The dazed girl in the toilet has a vial of Zyme, Mamasan, Mercedes and the thug have 100 credits each, and Mercedes and Tessa have 2 lockpicks each. Then, you can have the pleasure of taking on the commandos by yourself.

Start with the top level and my beloved Russian sailors, then sweep the second floor, (50 credit chits are found behind the bartender, he won't mind if you borrow them) then move onto the first floor. When you've talked to everyone you can, smash the mirror the two not-very-subtle lesbians are dancing by, then head through the wooden doors to the north in the room you now have access to.

Get a room you two!

Get ready for a fight, the MJ12 commandos will arrive after you talk to Chen. You can always let everyone else deal with them, but don't you want try out your new toy? Power up your augmentations, ready the sword, then save. Race through the conversation unless you want to hear it, then run out of the room start swinging whenever you're near a commando. (Just don't hit one of the gang members.)

Once you think everyone is down, make a sweep of all 3 levels, then head outside to deal with the commando out there. Once you're certain they're all dead, search all the bodies, you should get a pretty good haul in thermoptic camo suits and biocells. If the door girl is still alive, eliminate her, she's loaded with credits. Break into the safe next to her with a power strike and you'll find another 200 credits in there. Last, but most certainly not least, chat with the Russian sailors, who have the best post carnage lines if you ask me!

"I vant my money back!!" God I love the Russian sailors!

If you talked to everyone in the club, you should have the login for the computer in the Quick Stop shop. Smash the windows in it, hack the security systems to shut down the cameras, then use the computer to open the vault. Steal the money, get loaded off all the liquor in here if you wish, get a multitool and a med kit off one of the shelves, then leave.

I've heard of dancing on people's graves but sweet Jesus . . . I found this chick was dancing on three bodies . . .

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Canal Road Tunnel

If you want, now would be as good a time as any to head down to the Canal Road Tunnel, Marecki has a method for taking out all the cops!

Bashing the fighting triad members is not as much fun as one would expect it too, so let's harass the coppers as well! Obviously it would be bad if they started shooting at you, but you can avoid this by having them turn to appropriate directions. Turn the two cops at the corpse of their colleague north and the four at the barrier to the south. This leaves you free to bop the patrolling guy first, the two at the corpse next and the middle two at the barrier (quickly!) last. Before you proceed with the last two, make the eastern one turn to the wall and start with the western one. Suckers! Too bad they don't carry anything interesting from our point of view, but the lockpicks lying around the tunnel should make the whole trip worthwhile.

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Deactivating the Kill Switch

Once you've left the mall, head up the stairs and go east to the compound. Let Gordon Quick know about the new situation, then he'll give you the code to the doors. Go through the doors, and go left, then left into the room back here. Swipe the 25 credits in front of the statue, then head into the compound. Go east, down the stairs, and through the wooden door, stopping to rob the kitchen in case you don't have all the food you can carry. Go through the hallway and down the stairs, then go right and straight ahead to a painting with a keypad next to it. Use the same code you used to enter on it, after getting a spare riot prod and 2 chargers from the nearby table, and go down the stairs.

Once you arrive at the bottom of the stairs, walk straight ahead until you're about half way through the room, then look to your left, you should see a button beside a suspicious looking piece of wall. Push the button. Ah ha! Tracer Tong! Talk to him, then head to the far hallway, stopping to grab 100 credits from the table to your left. Go down the hallway to the left, all the way to the bottom of the stairs, and stand on the platform.

What the hell choice do I have?!

Once the switch has been deactivated, we can go back upstairs to talk to Tong. First, swing into the first room on your right as you go up the stairs. There's a medbot here, and a bioelectric cell on the table nearby. Head down the stairs in the north end of this room and you'll find Alex Jacobson. Talk to him if you want, then head up to the control room to talk to Tong. Once you have your new orders, you're almost ready to go. Return to the west hallway, but go north this time. There's a suit of ballistic armour on one of the glowing tables nearby.

Go through the door across from the hallway, then head into this back room. There's a repair bot you can use to charge up the bioelectricity that was drained during the mini-war with the commandos. Also, there's a rebreather and a multitool on the ledge around the water in this room. Head out to the front door of the compound, I'll start the last section of the Hong Kong walkthrough there.

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