Goofy Screenshots
And this, children, is what happens when TNT gets bored, sifts through almost 180 screenshots, then settles on a select few to upload and show to the world. (No joke, I have that many screenshots converted to .JPG, god only knows how many are currently residing in my SS2 directory ... )
Enjoy, and try not to question my sanity any more than you already have!

How the suit balanced itself so perfectly, I'll never know ...

Wading through an unbreakable window now, are we? God bless the Dark Engine ...

There was something about the expression on the corpse's face, and the fact that the hybrid's arm is thrown right over his face, that I found rather amusing ...

Whoever said the elevator was safe?

In case you can't tell, this rumbler managed to fall into the pool of water below where the brain of the Many used to be, and drowned ...

During my crystal shard only game, after placing all the vials of Toxin-A, I returned to the elevator to discover her. She was simply standing there, not moving an inch. They sent her to guard the elevator because they knew it was all over once I got to the shard, I will always believe that ...

I got bored during my crystal shard only game. So I carefully balanced myself in an empty window sill, and summoned the crowd you can see here.

Then I jumped down ...

Was slaughtered and resurrected, then returned ...

Was greeted ...

Then dealt with the resistance.

A cyborg assassin apparently tried to save himself, but failed to activate the resurrection station on his way in ...

I chopped the bastard's head right off!

Normally, I find a monkey trapped under this grate, if anyone's there. But a droid was something new!

Now this is more normal!

Hey, watch that arm, buddy!
I was just sent some screenies by SHODANs Hacker, and naturally, without further ado, here they are!

All I gotta say is, that was one hell of a close call. All you can do at this point is simply point and laugh ...

Completely, well, and truly united again! What a romantic! Seriously, I don't think I've ever done that good of a job putting the head back in place. Nicely done!